Since 2008, our mission has been to provide Community, Advocacy, Support, and Education services to improve the lives of Evanston families impacted by disability. We obtained our nonprofit status in July 2016 and are excited to expand our capacity to execute our mission. Evanston CASE is uniquely situated to be the go-to place for families whose children have disabilities and require special education services and accommodations. We serve parents and caregivers with children aged 3 to 22, with any disability, who attend Evanston public or private schools or who are homeschooled.
Navigating the special education process is complex and overwhelming for many parents. Without the services that CASE provides, parents enter into special education meetings unprepared to effectively navigate the system. When utilizing the consultation and coaching services CASE provides, our parents become empowered advocates with the strategies they need to secure the appropriate educational services that their children require.