CASE Parent Partner Application for Families seeking partners

The purpose of the Parent Partner Program is to empower parents/caregivers to successfully navigate their IEP or 504 Plan meeting in order to improve educational outcomes for their child.  Attending school meetings alone can be intimidating and overwhelming.  If you’d like someone to guide you through the process, to provide support at your meeting, and to take notes, a Parent Partner volunteer can help.

Parent Partner volunteers have received training provided by Evanston CASE and the Moran Center for Youth Advocacy.  Partners have also had personal experience with the special education system.

Parent Partners are not professional advocates or attorneys.  They cannot offer legal advice or speak on your behalf.

El propósito del Programa de Socios para Padres es capacitar a los padres/cuidadores para navegar con éxito su IEP o reunión del Plan 504 para mejorar los resultados educativos de su hijo. Asistir solo a las reuniones de la escuela puede ser intimidante y abrumador. Si desea que alguien lo guíe a través del proceso, que le brinde apoyo en su reunión y que tome notas, un socio de padres voluntario puede ayudarlo.

Los padres voluntarios han recibido capacitación proporcionada por Evanston CASE y Moran Center for Youth Advocacy. Los socios también han tenido experiencia personal con el sistema de educación especial.

Los padres socios no son defensores ni abogados profesionales. No pueden ofrecer asesoramiento legal ni hablar en su nombre.

  • The purpose of the Parent Partner Program is to empower parents/caregivers to successfully navigate their IEP or 504 Plan meeting in order to improve educational outcomes for their child.  Attending school meetings alone can be intimidating and overwhelming.  If you’d like someone to guide you through the process, to provide support at your meeting, and to take notes, a Parent Partner volunteer can help.

    Parent Partner volunteers have received training provided by Evanston CASE and the Moran Center for Youth Advocacy.  Partners have also had personal experience with the special education system.

  • Fill out an application for a Parent Partner. Submit at least two weeks, in advance of your scheduled school meeting to allow for the availability of a Partner.

    You will be informed about your acceptance for the service, or given a referral to an alternate resource within 48 hours after processing your application.

    You will be matched with a Parent Partner volunteer based on your individual needs.

    After matching you with a Parent Partner volunteer, you will receive a phone call from your Parent Partner to schedule a pre-meeting planning session.

  • Partners have volunteered to attend 1-2 meetings with a caregiver.  Additional meetings will be considered on a case by case basis.  If you would like to utilize the program in future meetings, you must reapply.  We cannot guarantee that you will be matched with the same Parent Partner for future meetings.

    Parent Partners are not professional advocates or attorneys.  They cannot offer legal advice or speak on your behalf.